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What makes a great team

Sorry I haven't posted in a while; from now on, I will continually make 1 to 2 posts a week and post 1 or 2 videos a week. Today I will talk about what makes a great team—sacrifice, teamwork, and positivity. Take and give, give, and take. If your teammates are there for you, you must be there for them. Imagine you are resting for a race: a 500 free. Your teammate is in the water swimming. Would you rather rest or cheer him on? If you are there for him, he will be cheering for you in your 500. Hearing your teammate's voice behind the blocks is much more valuable than getting a couple minutes of rest. Not only is sacrifice essential to building a strong team, you must also work together in practice. Some people see swimming as a solo sport; however, it is quite the contrary. At practice, you are bound to get tired at some point, like all other swimmers. However, that is when you rely on each other. You use each other to build strength; this reinforces the bond teammates share with one another. Finally, positivity is key to building a strong team. When in the water, if someone is always complaining or saying that this set is impossible, he will only drag the team down with him. It would be best if you always believed so that your teammates would believe in you. If you are always positive, your teammates will then believe in you and push themselves to their limits. This will then allow you to push yourself even further, which then creates a domino effect helping the entire team. Overall, there are many things that create a great team, but sacrifice, teamwork, and positivity are a start.

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