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  • Writer's pictureEmma

My Swimming Story-Emma

Hello everybody my name is Emma and I swim for a small team in Maine. Ever since I can remember swimming has been a part of my life. I first started by taking lessons at my local YMCA and eventually decided to join the swim team when I was eight. This decision was crucial in helping to define the person that I am today. Swimming has provided me with a way to stay active and also enjoy it. When I am not in school I spend most of my time swimming. I swim for both a club and a high school team. My club team also competes at both YMCA and a few USA meets throughout the year. During the winter I have two practices every night one for my club team and one for my high school team. I would say that my favorite part about this is the different relationships I am able to make with various swimmers and coaches.

At my school swimming is not very well known. In fact our swim team is combined with another high school team in the area. Sometimes I wish that swimming was a bigger part of our community but other times I feel that our close knit group is what makes swimming so special for me.

As you all know swimming is not an easy sport. Trying to manage the numerous practices and dry land sessions along with school and other activities is certainly not easy. But it's this constant busyness that I feel keeps me motivated. At times there is no doubt that swimming can be a lot to handle, but what keeps me going is the feeling that I get when I get through those hard sets or see growth and change in my swimming.

Even though swimming is my main sport and passion, I also am on my school's cross country team which keeps me busy during the late summer and early fall months. This helps to provide me with a way to stay in shape when I’m not in the pool. The funny thing is some of my best runner friends and competitors are fellow swimmers from around the state. Throughout the year whether it be at cross country meets or swim meets I get to see just how special swimmers are. I truly believe that the bond we share together and the dedication we have to the sport makes us unique.

I hope that by starting this website we can provide an outlet for swimmers to be able to share their stories and talk about the way that they train in order to help others. This is a great platform for us as the administrators and you as the members to share your thoughts about training especially now where many of us can’t get into the pool. Please help us to share your message and enjoy following along with ours!

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